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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Using Imagination and Everday Items

Imagination something many have seemed to lost in today’s technology world.
Everyday objects can be used to make Playscale (Barbie size) furniture and decor.
Surfboard taken from Lifeguard stand  I found and a Pottery, re-purposed for a coffee table using the metal from binder clips. 
I can’t take credit for this I happened to see it in a photo on flickr by APPark.  The legs are different but the same concept

Friday, March 8, 2013


Riley's Room

Still under construction just finished the focal wall using the artwork from my favorite tee I had in high school as mural with bamboo.  The 2nd wall is place-mat trimmed haven't decided if I will leave the top white or use the blue place-mat for the upper.   Still need to find and or make a desk, a window, door to the bathroom and find a nice rug for the floor.

Once I get my rooms set up I will focus on my stories most are all ready written just need to take the pictures.  There will be two towns a beach town Hollister Beach (HB) in California and a Lake Town in Washington or California Mts.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Items found shopping

Shopping Adventures

I was about to run out of gas coming back from the Cancer Hospital when I pulled off to fill up the gas tank and happened to see Carolina Pottery.  I decided to take a look, glad I did I found an iron cast stove I use to play with when I was little and new it was close to playscale size and would fit great, I got the old time stove as well as the pot belly stove.  I then happened upon a picnic table at big lots with an umbrella, I will need to do a little work on the table but nothing some cardboard and red paint will not fix.